abstract sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib sudo systemctl start postgresql sudo systemctl enable postgresql sudo -i -u postgres createuser test_user createdb test_db -O test_user psql ALTER USER test_user PASSWORD '$PASSWD'; \q sudo nano /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD local test_db test_user md5 sudo systemctl restart postgresql psql -d test_db -U test_user -W select usename from pg_user; \du \q sudo systemctl status postgresql

How to start an application in app/ ?

  • interactive session: iex -S mix phx.server
  • not interactive session: mix phx.server

Where to get help?

  • IRC
  • Discord
  • Elixir Forum
  • Stack Overflow
  • Twitter
  • Web Application Security Best Practices for BEAM languages

A package to use databases?


A package to use HTTP connections?


A package to code?


A package for internationalization and localization?


A package to use emails?


A package to use HTML?

Phoenix HTML

A package to build pub/sub systems?

Phoenix PubSub

What is a directory structure built by mix

├── _build ├── assets ├── config ├── deps ├── lib │ ├── hello │ ├── hello.ex │ ├── hello_web │ └── hello_web.ex ├── priv └── test

What is _build?

It holds all compilation artifacts.

What is assets?

This directory contains the front end code e.g. JavaScript and CSS.

What is config?

This directory contains all the configuration data of the application.

What is deps?

This directory contains all dependencies installed by mix.

What is lib?

lib contains the application source code.

What is priv?

This directory holds data that is necessary in production but are not source code — e.g. priv/static can contain images, priv/static/assets contains generated from files in assets.

What is test?

This directory contains tests and usually mirrors lib.

Given an application named hello, what is lib/hello?

This directory contains:

lib/hello ├── application.ex ├── mailer.ex └── repo.ex
  • application.ex defines an Elixir application, in particular, how to start it. Starting the application means starting a number of processes in order. These are defined and started in start/2.
  • mailer.ex defines a module to send emails.
  • repo.ex defines a module to interact with a DB

Given an application named hello, what is lib/hello_web?

It gives an implementation to this actor computation.

Request to HTML
Request to HTML

Main steps to add a new page?

  1. Add a new route that points to a controller — e.g. /hello points to HelloController.
  2. Add the new controller and make its view — e.g. HelloHTML

What is a Plug?

  1. It is a function : Plug.Conn Options → Plug.Conn
  2. It is a module m such that:
    • m.init : Options → Options
    • : Plug.Conn Options → Plug.Conn

How to use a Plug?

In the context where plug is defined:

plug :a_plug plug HelloWeb.Router def a_plug(conn, _opt), do: conn

Where to use plugs?

  • endpoint
  • router
  • controller

What is halt(conn)?

It tells that the next plug will not be called.

What is a route? How to list all routes?

  • A route is: Verb x Path x Action
  • mix phx.routes

What is a Resource?

  • A resource is a type of data that a client can interact with using a given set of HTTP requests.
  • For a resource user, the set of requests is: GET /users HelloWeb.UserController :index GET /users/:id/edit HelloWeb.UserController :edit GET /users/new HelloWeb.UserController :new GET /users/:id HelloWeb.UserController :show POST /users HelloWeb.UserController :create PATCH /users/:id HelloWeb.UserController :update PUT /users/:id HelloWeb.UserController :update DELETE /users/:id HelloWeb.UserController :delete

How to build a resource named users?

  • Using resource users under a given scope in the router.
  • Generated routes may be selected using the option only: [:index, :show]
  • Or except: [:delete]
  • Resources may be nested.

If a route needs to be tested, how to make sure that it is considered by the router?

By using :verified_routes.

defmodule RouteExample do use HelloWeb, :verified_routes def example do ~p"/comments" ~p"/unknown/123" end end

This code will check routes against the router's routes at compile time.

If a resource needs a client API and an admin API, how to expose both APIs?

By using scopes. For instance:

scope "/", HelloWeb do pipe_through :browser resources "/reviews", ReviewController end scope "/admin", HelloWeb.Admin do pipe_through :browser resources "/reviews", ReviewController end

Which gives:

... GET /reviews HelloWeb.ReviewController :index GET /reviews/:id/edit HelloWeb.ReviewController :edit GET /reviews/new HelloWeb.ReviewController :new GET /reviews/:id HelloWeb.ReviewController :show POST /reviews HelloWeb.ReviewController :create PATCH /reviews/:id HelloWeb.ReviewController :update PUT /reviews/:id HelloWeb.ReviewController :update DELETE /reviews/:id HelloWeb.ReviewController :delete ... GET /admin/reviews HelloWeb.Admin.ReviewController :index GET /admin/reviews/:id/edit HelloWeb.Admin.ReviewController :edit GET /admin/reviews/new HelloWeb.Admin.ReviewController :new GET /admin/reviews/:id HelloWeb.Admin.ReviewController :show POST /admin/reviews HelloWeb.Admin.ReviewController :create PATCH /admin/reviews/:id HelloWeb.Admin.ReviewController :update PUT /admin/reviews/:id HelloWeb.Admin.ReviewController :update DELETE /admin/reviews/:id HelloWeb.Admin.ReviewController :delete
  1. What is a pipeline?
  2. How to build a pipeline?
  3. How to use a pipeline?
  • A pipeline is a plug built by composing plugs — i.e. p = p1 |> p2 …
  • To build a pipeline, one may use: pipeline :browser do plug :accepts, ["html"] … plug :put_secure_browser_headers end
  • The pipeline may be used within a scope: scope "/reviews", HelloWeb do pipe_through [:browser, :auth] resources "/", ReviewController end

Give an example of scope and pipeline usage.

  • An anonymous user can read the list of reviews.
  • An anonymous user can read a review.
  • An authentified user can create a review.
pipeline :browser, do: … pipeline :auth, do: … scope "/" do pipe_through [:browser] get "/reviews", PostController, :index get "/reviews/:id", PostController, :show end scope "/" do pipe_through [:browser, :auth] get "/reviews/new", PostController, :new post "/reviews", PostController, :create end

How to forward requests to an other plug?

By using the forward macro.

defmodule HelloWeb.Router do use HelloWeb, :router scope "/", HelloWeb, do: … forward "/jobs", BackgroundJob.Plug end
  1. What is a Controller?
  2. How to build a Controller?
  3. How to use a Controller?
  1. A controller gives meaning to a request — i.e. an HTTP request may be viewed as a message received from the client and the controller is the computation that follows.
  2. A controller function is called an action.
  3. To build a Controller for a given application hello, it is enough to define a module: defmodule HelloWeb.PageController do use HelloWeb, :controller … end
  4. To use a controller, it is enough to connect a route to one of its actions.

What are standard actions names?

  • index - renders a list of all items of the given resource type
  • show - renders an individual item by ID
  • new - renders a form for creating a new item
  • create - receives parameters for one new item and saves it in a data store
  • edit - retrieves an individual item by ID and displays it in a form for editing
  • update - receives parameters for one edited item and saves the item to a data store
  • delete - receives an ID for an item to be deleted and deletes it from a data store

Give an example of a Controller.

defmodule HelloWeb.HelloController do use HelloWeb, :controller def show(conn, %{"messenger" => messenger}) do render(conn, :show, messenger: messenger) end end

What types of output an Action may have?

  • text(conn, …)
  • json(conn, …)
  • conn |> assign(:messenger, messenger) |> render(:show)

Using render implies that a show templates exists and an associated view module.

Which formats are taken care of by a view?

  • Any format will do as more may be added.
  • JSON views are already ready to be used.
  • Check the MIME library for specifics.

How to send a response directly?

  • By using send_resp/3.
  • And put_resp_content_type/2
  • and put_status/2

Why and how to implement a re-direction?

For instance, if a user sends data to build a resource, he should then be re-directed to an other page. Using the redirect/2 function.

defmodule HelloWeb.Router do scope "/", HelloWeb do get "/", PageController, :home get "/redirect_test", PageController, :redirect_test end end defmodule HelloWeb.PageController do use HelloWeb, :controller def home(conn, _params) do redirect(conn, to: ~p"/redirect_test") end def redirect_test(conn, _params) do render(conn, :home, layout: false) end end

Why and how to use a Flash message?

Flash messages are short transient messages presented to the user. A flash message may be used to inform him about the status of an action.

defmodule HelloWeb.PageController do def home(conn, _params) do conn |> put_flash(:error, "Let's pretend we have an error.") |> render(:home, layout: false) end end
  1. Why are function component needed?
  2. How to build a function component?
  3. How to use a function component?
  1. A recurring pattern is to assign values to variables into templates in order to build HTML fragments.
  2. Composing these framents build an HTML page.
  3. To build a function component, it is enough to define a function Assigns → HEEx using use Phoenix.Component.
  1. Why are HEEx templates needed?
  2. How to build an HEEx template?
  3. How to use an HEEx template?
  1. HTML needs to be generated from assigns.
  2. HTML is static, so a DSL that augments HTML with programming constructs is built: HEEx.
  3. To build an HEEx template, it is enough to use <%= … %>, <% … %>, @… and save the result as an otherwise HTML document/fragment in a .heex file.
  4. To use it, it may be included as part of a view using embed_templates/1 so that it is turned into a function component.
  5. HTML extensions may be used, for instance:

    Hello <%= @username %>

    Hello <%= @username %>

Why a root and an app layouts?

  1. The root layout hardly changes.
  2. There is a concept of LiveView which do not change root layouts but app layouts.