The publication of Carl Hewitt: ActorScript is analysed in terms of questions and answers.

The objective is to analyse the publication of Carl Hewitt: ActorScript is analysed in terms of questions and answers. Being able to answer these questions should prove a basic grasp of the introduced ideas.

Expressions evaluate to …

Expressions evaluate to Actors

Types are ….

Types are Actors.

What does this mean? x:Integer≡3▮

It defines the identifier x to be of type Integer with value 3.

What is an interface for a procedure?

A procedure interface is used to specify the types of messages that a procedure Actor can receive. For instance:

Interface IntegerToInteger {[Integer]↦ Integer}▮ means that an actor implements the interface IntegerToInteger if, given an integer it returns an integer.

What does this mean?

Double ≡ Actor implements IntegerToIntegerAndVectorToVector using [n:Integer]→ n+n¶ // integer addition [v:Vector]→ v+v §▮ // vector addition

It means that Double is an Actor that implements the interface IntegerToIntegerAndVectorToVector. The interface is implemented since to an integer n it returns n+n that is an integer and similarly for a vector.

Given: Square∎[x:Integer]:Integer ≡ x*x▮, what does this mean: Square∎[2+1]?

It means that the actor Square receives 3 which evaluates to 9.

What does this mean?

SimpleAccount Actor
SimpleAccount Actor
  1. e : Euro
  2. sa :≡ SimpleAccount[e] : Actor
  3. sa∎getBalance[] = e
  4. sa∎deposit[10]
  5. sa∎getBalance[] = e+10
  6. highlighted code is a continuation. By linearizing computation, a continuation prevents default concurrency and consequently variable data races are impossible.

What does this mean? ⦷Factorial∎[1000]+⦷Fibonacci∎[2000]▮

It means that concurrent execution of Factorial∎[1000] and Fibonacci∎[2000] both of which must complete execution. This does not require that the executions of Factorial∎[1000] and Fibonacci∎[2000] actually overlap in time.

  1. The publication: ActorScript by Carl Hewitt has been analysed.
  1. There is no known actual implementation of ActorScript.
  2. There is a video where Carl Hewitt says that there should be an updated version of the paper at some point because there are bugs. ( which video?)
  • There is no known practical programming language that implements the Actor Model as defined by Carl Hewitt.
  • A few approximate practical implementations exist, such as Akka and Erlang.
  • ActorScript may still be useful to some extent as a specification language.